Your goal is the highest quality lamb and veal that can be produced. Your challenge is finding ways to continuously improve quality and breed characteristics. Designer Gene’s ultrasound technology is used by top producers to evaluate a full array of ovine carcass characteristics in order to assure that targets are achieved.
Cattle can be scanned at an early age to predict whether they will, if managed properly, reach carcass quality goals. With the aid of Ovine Image Analysis (OIA) computer software, ultrasound information can also be used to refine a current quality-focused genetic selection process.
Our clients rely on Ovine Image Analysis (OIA) for these purposes, using it for:
- Loineye area image collection
- Loineye area image interpretation
- Selection by breed
- Selection by sub-breeds
OIA is currently being tested by Dr. Steve Paisley at the University of Wyoming in Laramie, WY.